Love for Lake Charles

Six weeks ago, Lake Charles, Louisiana was hit by a powerful hurricane that destroyed property and livelihoods. Many buildings that lost their roofs only have tarps covering the remains of what was not destroyed.

Today, Hurricane Delta (there have been so many they started the alphabet again but using Greek letters because they must have run out of names allotted for this hurricane season) is targeting Lake Charles and surrounding areas, AGAIN.

There is deep despair on top of destruction, with more destruction and despair in Delta’s cross hairs.

This week, Jews around the world pray for rain in Israel. For many, it is a custom to add that it should be “for a blessing.”
To our Jewish and Christian friends, as the storm approaches Louisiana, please pray that if the storm reaches Louisiana, that damage, destruction and death will be limited. But as long we’re praying anyway let us pray that the storm turns and blows back out to sea and there will be no damage at all.

Our good friend, Pastor Todd Schumacher, is in Lake Charles. He and his church are struggling to protect what’s left from the previous storm, and do their best to help others who are impacted throughout the area. But like anyone else they are experiencing great stress.

The Genesis 123 Foundation have a mission to build bridges between Jews and Christians. We have taken the initiative to establish a fund that will be used under his guidance for needs that are most urgent and unmet. Please donate any amount and make a note that is for “Love for Lake Charles” so we can help those most in need.