Jews and Christians believe that God gave the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai. This is the basis upon which Judaism was born and from which Christianity was founded. God giving the Torah to Moses is celebrated at Shavuot, Pentecost. This is the foundation that unites Jews and Christians. On that foundation we seek not only to teach and understand God’s word, but to take part in the literal writing of that according to the ancient Jewish custom of each person participating in writing a Torah. This is rooted in Deuteronomy 31:19: “So now, write this song for yourselves.” Since every handwritten Torah scroll must be perfect, and not a single letter can be left out, Jews understand that the obligation can be fulfilled by writing or sponsoring the writing of just a single letter of a complete scroll. Together we seek to write as many Torah scrolls as possible, donating these to communities and organizations worldwide where they may be used in continuing the tradition of teaching and learning. We wish to enable individuals in communities throughout the world to participate. For information please contact info@Genesis123.co.